1,000 Views! Thank You!

As of today, according to Itch's analytics page, Brawn, Scorn and Ammo has surpassed 1,000 views! I know that number isn't a lot to some but it's significantly more than I was expecting! Over 400 players have played in browser and over 70 have downloaded the game. That's insane to me to think a couple of hundred people have played my little game. Thank you!

This is my first publicly released game and I've learned a lot from releasing it. Namely to have more people playtest things before release. I have no idea how far every player has got, or if anyone's even completed the game. What I do know is that, from the messages I've received, the later levels have been incredibly difficult for new players. Some even getting stuck on a single level for hours. Oops! Sorry about that! It wasn't supposed to get that hard. When you play your own game for so long you tend to forget how things might be for a totally new player. I think that's what caused me to overdo the difficulty at the end there. Kudos to anyone who can actually beat the game!

Anyway, I just wanted to get my thoughts out! Thank you again to all who decided my game was worth your time! It means a lot to me!

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